Tag: MacOS

Macintosh OS

MacOS Catalina Photos weirdness

When Apple dropped Aperture I switched to Adobe Lightroom for processing and managing photographs. One benefit is that Lightroom works with files stored in standard Finder locations rather than buried in a proprietary database. A disadvantage is that many MacOS applications, especially those from Apple, do not recognise and access images other than those from Photos, the Apple application. That...

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Network nightmare

This is the tale of dealing with the frustration of an intermittent WiFi connectivity issue and finding a solution. It’s almost 5 years since we moved into our present house. Because I had been experimenting with WiFi Internet sharing using my iMac as a base station in our previous house I was confident we would manage networking without cables in...

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A little flakiness in KeyNote ’09?

I’ve owned the past few versions of KeyNote (since it was first bundled in iWork) but I really have not used it seriously in that time. I had played with it occasionally but, mostly because our campus is resolutely Windows fixated and everybody expects to be able to view PowerPoint presentation files but cannot view KeyNote files, I had not...

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