Tag: 23 Things

The end of things

Our USQ 23 Things pilot is ending with a reflection. With the orientation that makes a total of 10 weeks across 8 things. That’s a somewhat truncated version of the full 23 Things, which is itself a truncated version of the original 43 Things that I found when I did some digging a week or two ago. I assume that 43...

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Things for building research profiles

This post appeared first as Research profiles (Academia.edu / ResearchGate) where it fulfilled my commitment to the USQ 23 Things project. My brief for the USQ 23 Things project is to write a short (200 to 400 words – but who is counting, I’ll easily exceed that) post about ResearchGate and Academia.edu with focus on their applications in Higher Education...

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The Linked thIng

This is week 7 in our 10(?) things for USQ 23 Things sequence and our thing is LinkedIn. Our blogger of the week, Ron Pauley, has produced an informative post about LinkedIn, which alerted me to some features and uses I hadn’t paid much, if any, attention to. I’ve had a profile on LinkedIn for several years, possibly since soon...

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The thing about copyright

The thing about copyright that makes it a nuisance is that it is complicated. That’s what makes it an interesting topic for number 6 of the 10 USQ 23 Things. It’s also what makes me want to avoid dealing with it whenever I can. The post by Tahnee Pearse lays out some useful information about copyright in the Australian context and...

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The video thing

This week on USQ 23 Things our thing is video and the post begins with the claim that video is worth a thousand words. It cites Forrester Research(?) as having shown that 1 minute of video is equivalent to 1000 words. That’s arguable. If a picture is worth a 1000 words (cliche) and video delivers 25 frames per second is...

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Private and confidential things

Thing 4 among the 10 USQ 23 Things is Privacy and Confidentiality. When the post first went up yesterday it did not identify the author and I thought at the time that was carrying privacy and confidentiality to extremes. That omission has now been remedied and we know that it was posted by Tim McCallum. The post also broke new ground...

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23 tweets?

USQ 23 Things is into its second week and the topic is Twitter. The post for this week provides a basic description of Twitter, suggests ways that it might be used for academic work, and explains how to get started. Our task is to join Twitter (done some years and 6000+ tweets ago), follow some new people from the 23...

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23 Things?

A while back I was invited to participate in a USQ Library pilot of a 23 Things project. I was specifically invited to contribute to discussion around the use of sites like ResearchGate and Academia.edu for building academic profile but I was also encouraged to participate in the rest of the project. My specific part comes toward the end of the...

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