$100 laptop is coming

An article in Macworld confirms it – MIT to launch $100 laptop prototype in November. This project has been talked about fairly widely over the past year or so but this is the first really firm news that that I have seen. The article includes a picture and describes key features – 500 MHz, 1 GB RAM, “skinny” Linux, multiple...

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AUC 2005

Report on attendance at AUC 2005 – the Apple University Consortium Academic and Developer Conference held at Wrest Point, Hobart, 25 – 28 September <http://auc.uow.edu.au/index2.html?conf/aucconf.html~mainFrame> The AUC conference is held every two years. It is unusual in that the AUC offers several subsidised registration packages to each of the member universities. I was fortunate enough to have one of the...


Blogging and learning

Will Richardson at Weblogg-ed – The Read/Write Web in the Classroom has posted a reflection in which he brings together recent posts by George Siemens and Barbara Ganley. The Siemens post that he cites offers some explanation of connectivism as a theory of learning, distinct from other theories such as constructivism. Connectivism does not replace other modes of learning but...

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Is Multiple-Column Online Text Better? It Depends on how you read the research!

From the Oops, my slip is showing department: Albert Ip over at Random Walk in E-Learning is not allowing comments and does not seem to have an email address for contact. That leaves no alternative but to comment here although I’d prefer to have been able to do this quietly. Albert has posted Is Multiple-Column Online Text Better? It Depends!...

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Podcast Theory Gap

E-Learning Queen writes about the Podcast Theory Gap: Online learners seem to prefer using audio and web-based information in ways that counter what researchers recommend. Although instructional designers do not often like to mention this, the fact is, it is the rare learner who will sit at a computer and willingly watch a 20 or 30-minute presentation. However, the same...

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Google-matic Courseware

Scott Sorley speculates about the potential for what he dubs Google-matic Courseware – Real Time Content: I have been busy over the last week testing ideas by writing code not prose. The question here is what do you do if you have an entire library, academic journals, every webpage, every blog, all major news sources in a digital, up to...

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“m” (for mobile) has been appended to “learning” in various contexts over the past year or so. It has been a little “out there” but recently several factors have come together to attract my more active interest. My son, Nick, has been working on a Java application that will run on a mobile phone. It seems there are a lot...

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Chance encounters

One of the quirks of publishing course materials through the official channels of DeC (Distance and e-Learning Centre) at USQ has been that materials are revised each year and, whether the changes are major or minor, the publication date appears as the year in which the course is offered. In other words, it is not possible to know from the...

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Ubiquitous computing and beyond – an emerging new common sense model

Chris Lott at Ruminate writes about a Singapore presentation by John Seely Brown: Brown recalls key points about rapid change in computing, communication, storage and content; P2P and social software; and the interaction of economic, institutional and technological change. His common sense model has 5 components: Supply push is becoming demand pull. For education this implies a shift from building...

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SITE 2005

This post is something of a departure from my usual quick notes about other sites. It’s a very minor revision of my mandated report to the Faculty on conference travel. I spent the week from 26 Feb to 7 Mar traveling and attending SITE 2005 – the 16th Annual Meeting of the Society for Information Technology in Teacher Education in...