Category: Research


“m” (for mobile) has been appended to “learning” in various contexts over the past year or so. It has been a little “out there” but recently several factors have come together to attract my more active interest. My son, Nick, has been working on a Java application that will run on a mobile phone. It seems there are a lot...

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Ubiquitous computing and beyond – an emerging new common sense model

Chris Lott at Ruminate writes about a Singapore presentation by John Seely Brown: Brown recalls key points about rapid change in computing, communication, storage and content; P2P and social software; and the interaction of economic, institutional and technological change. His common sense model has 5 components: Supply push is becoming demand pull. For education this implies a shift from building...

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Un-Managing Learning Management Systems – A possible future for online learning

James Farmer at incorporated subversion picks up on Scott Wilson’s piece on the future of the VLE and writes: Take, for example, a typical tertiary student. In any one semester they may well be enrolled in four units each with an online presence each lasting effectively 13-14 weeks… now if each unit has a community and you ask that student...

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Aggregation will be rough on Learning Management Systems

Peter Sefton comments on some of the material I have been reading lately: I think that one of the pressures on current LMSs will be from the aggregator. An aggregator is a leveling technology that can pull all the stuff in which you are interested into a common interface; sort of a do it yourself ‘portal’ without the stupid little...

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