Category: Politics

Rudd makes sense about China

As PM, Kevin Rudd was often criticised for being a ‘policy wonk’ rather than the leader the nation needed and wanted. Since his departure from politics he has resumed his interest in policy, drawing on his education and experience related to China. His explanation of what drives China, or Xi Jingping as leader, is clear and convincing. Understanding that might enable us to avoid deadly conflict.

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An LNP childish game

An LNP staffer in Brisbane has registered the Internet domain and redirected it to the Liberal Party website. I first noticed the story on INQueensland but it is also reported elsewhere. Registering a domain is not difficult or expensive but a domain does require an ABN. This effort does appear to be in breach of the .auDA regulations...

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Scotty is cleaning house

There is a federal election in the near future so Scotty is preparing the ground. We’ve had premature announcements about dams that are still awaiting clearance from agencies he established and promises of development projects in South East Queensland. Now he’s attempting to clear away some other barnacles on his record. As The Monthly news noted today, it’s been Nine...

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COVID-19 irony

The dreadful irony is that US funding intended to prepare science for a more rapid and effective response to a viral pandemic may have contributed to the emergence of a pandemic to which the US response has been notably ineffective.