
1991-2017As of Monday, 1 January, I am officially retired. My retirement arrangement with USQ specified 31 December, 2017, as my retirement date with all leave to be taken prior to that date. It is 6 months since I did my last day of work at USQ and went on extended leave from 4 July.

We celebrated over drinks with friends on New Year’s Eve. I was lucky enough to find a bottle of red wine that dated from the year I started at USQ in 1991. That seemed appropriate. The wine was holding its age well, something I hope to emulate.

Last June I posted about the likelihood of a change in blogging activity, thinking that I might find more time to write on a variety of topics. That has not happened, at least not yet. For the 12 weeks we spent travelling in Europe from July to October, I did manage to post 1000 words or so each day on our travel blog. Since we arrived home 3 months ago I’ve often thought about posting here, especially about progress with my ‘bucket list’, but have managed to avoid that by distraction.

Admittedly I did spend a good deal of time sorting through about 2500 photos from our travels in Europe and pared that down to less than 2200 in a Flickr album. That, and some work since on sorting out older photos, should count toward my ‘bucket list’ item to organise my photos. More about that soon.